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Rebuilding Lives
Beyond Abuse

Friends of Survivors of Domestic Abuse (SADA) helps to ensure the sustainability of the SADA service, to continue empowering survivors to rebuild lives with hope.

Who are Friends of SADA?

The Friends of SADA (FoSADA) charity was established to ensure the sustainability of the SADA (Survivors Against Domestic Abuse) service. The charity raises funds for continued service provision, as well as raising awareness of Domestic Abuse and our service profile.

SADA volunteers at a SADA event

What is SADA?

The SADA service supports women, men, children and young persons that have experienced (or are experiencing) domestic violence and abuse. We work with statutory, voluntary and any other organisations to relieve the distress suffered by victims and work with statutory agencies to prevent abuse.

Where is SADA?

Having started in Stevenage, the service has slowly grown over the last few years and now supports authorities across Hertfordshire. We currently run and maintain 34 Safe Space properties to support those fleeing domestic abuse from across the country.

Map of the UK where SADA operates

Our Impact

SADA Stats: Founded in 2022, 34 safe spaces, 2438 clients supported

Supporters and Partners

Where do donations go?

£5 for a personal alarm

We offer survivors personal alarms which they can carry with them, to use if they feel unsafe or in an emergency.

£35 for a video doorbell

We offer a video doorbell for the survivors, so they can see who is at the door and to give them some peace of mind in a time when they feel vulnerable.

£170 for safe space essentials

Survivors often flee to safety with nothing. Safe space essentials provide a fresh start. The cost covers food, toiletries, clothes, and household items, per survivor.

£213.46 for Safe Space Rent

SADA Safe Space Homes has an average weekly rent cost of £213.46 for our 2-bedroom family property. The service charge for the same 2-bedroom property averages £133.36 per week.

Stories from clients

Thank you very much for all your help and support and for listening to me and believing me when so many didn’t. Thank you for not giving up on my case till the very end. I am very grateful. Good people like you will have beautiful blessings continuously come your way.”

They are always honest and listened to me, you come in to SADA as a client but you end up feeling like you made friends, as they have been there every step of the way.”

When SADA offered to support me I think this is the first time anyone had offered to listen to me or understand me. It gave me the chance to fully understand abuse, my experiences, and gave me my life back.”

“It was amazing how easy it was to get hold of my support worker, she was able to provide me a large amount of information, and was such a vital part of me getting me out of the area and into a place of safety.”

“I suffer with anxiety and OCD and SADA let me know that I could always ring them whenever I needed them. SADA gave me video doorbell and this was so helpful and helped me to feel safe.”

Thank you for all your help, I honestly wouldn't have found the strenght inside me without your guidance and advice within my situation.”

May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold. You are such a blessing to many people including myself. Thank you so much and may you continue your good works every single day.”

SADA were there for me when I needed it the most.”

I am really greatful for your support. I will contact you in the future if required. Thanks for the help you rendered to me and my children.”

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Stories from clients right button

How you can help

Our service relies on donations. There are many ways to get involved and support our service. You can make a donation, volunteer your time, fund an event or donate goods. You can also support us by attending upcoming fundraising events.

Upcoming Events

ECHOES Raising awareness of domestic abuse

In the unseen ECHOES project, we embark on a profound exploration of the hidden yet profound impact of domestic abuse. Each photograph captured for unseen ECHOES tells a story beyond the words. Join us for free to celebrate the 16 Days of Action against domestic abuse. Refreshments will be available for a small donation to the Friends of SADA charity.

Ingleheim Lounge SBC Offices
November 26, 2024
12 - 2:30pm

SADA Christmas Drop In

This will be a special Drop In day just before the Christmas break, to support all our survivors in person with some extra Christmas treats and our final catch up of support for this year.

Stevenage and North Herts Womens Centre
December 14, 2023
11am - 12:30pm

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Domestic Abuse Act 2021

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 aims to promote awareness and foster comprehension regarding the profound harm caused by domestic abuse to both individuals and their families.

Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts

Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts are specialised in handling domestic abuse cases, providing a sensitive and tailored approach to address cases.

Need help?

Are you or someone you know experiencing the impact of domestic abuse and seeking assistance? Contact us for guidance and support.

Contact Us